Every October, I make the same promise to myself: to have all of my holiday shopping done before Thanksgiving. Every December, I find myself waiting in hour long lines at stores and the post office, wishing that I had kept my promise. This year, I’m sticking to my promise and adding on to it by not only making the best use of my time during this wild season, but also to make the best use of my holiday dollars by sending out gifts that people will truly enjoy. Lucky for me (and my friends and family), I have access to great wine, which I am sure everyone will enjoy. 
Our members have the opportunity to utilize a great gift giving services, where all they have to do is send me their list, and I can assist with creating unique gifts and shipping them directly to the recipient. Looking over a few packages, I was amazed at what a great deal the packages were once member discounts were added in.
I also think it would be great to host a holiday wine tasting party with friends, which is why I came up with everything you’d need to do it on your own – wines and instructions included!

Our members have the opportunity to utilize a great gift giving services, where all they have to do is send me their list, and I can assist with creating unique gifts and shipping them directly to the recipient. Looking over a few packages, I was amazed at what a great deal the packages were once member discounts were added in.
I also think it would be great to host a holiday wine tasting party with friends, which is why I came up with everything you’d need to do it on your own – wines and instructions included!